Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Paths of Change

People have always been good at imagining the end of the world, which is much easier to picture than the strange sidelong paths of change in a world without end.
--Rebecca Solnit

All Your Might

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
--Ecclesiastes 9:10

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Deal

Before you sell a deal you have to live the deal. You have to believe in it, because, if you don't believe in it, you can't sell it.
--Mel Weinberg

Friday, June 20, 2014


Stories are compasses and architecture, we navigate by them, we build our sanctuaries and our prisons out of them, and to be without a story is to be lost in the vastness of a world that spreads in all directions like arctic tundra or sea ice.
--Rebecca Solnit

Thursday, June 19, 2014


A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone, although it may not strike anyone, is violent. The mental structure of fundamentalists is violence in the name of God.
--Pope Francis

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Take Care

In the end, if you take care,
You can be happy or unhappy anywhere.
--Tracey Thorn

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


When I call myself a male feminist, I'm not doing it because I think I'm going to save women. I'm doing it because I think it's important for men to acknowledge that as long as women aren't free, men won't be either.
--Noah Berlatsky

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Needs

The needs of a human being are sacred. Their satisfaction cannot be subordinated either to reasons of state, or to any consideration of money, nationality, race, or color, or to the moral or other value attributed to the human being in question, or to any consideration whatsoever.
--Simone Weil

Friday, June 13, 2014


All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry.
--G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, June 12, 2014


To be furious
Is to be frighted out of fear, and in that mood
The dove will peck the estridge.
--William Shakespeare

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I think that if a person doesn't feel cynical then they're out of phase with the 20th century. Being cynical is the only way to deal with modern civilization, you can't just swallow it whole.
--Frank Zappa

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


It seems especially perverse that people purporting to be Christian, a religion that vows to help the poor and heal the sick, should be so violently against helping the poor and healing the sick.
--Eric Idle

Monday, June 09, 2014


Despair is also a form of dismissiveness, a way of saying that you already know what will happen and nothing can be done, or that the differences don't matter, or that nothing but the impossibly perfect is acceptable.
--Rebecca Solnit

Friday, June 06, 2014

Thursday, June 05, 2014


Boredom, after all, is a form of criticism.
--Wendell Phillips

Wednesday, June 04, 2014


In the Bible, the words "sin" and "iniquity," from which the modern word "inequity" arises, are used almost interchangably. There is a good reason for this.
--Sam Simple

Tuesday, June 03, 2014


The future is dark, which is the best thing the future can be, I think.
--Virginia Woolf

Monday, June 02, 2014


The idea that the private sector, the free market, on its own has all the solutions is just a myth. When it's just about money, there are no values.
--Tim Wu